Stonescapes Mini Pebble pool finishes can be the perfect accessory to enhance the magnificence of your haven. In addition to being relatively durable, they also provide some of the smoothest surfaces achievable for an in-ground pool.
A finish as resilient as Stonescapes’ mini pebble is bound to attract craving and popularity among the masses. Therefore, between finishes, they are an easy choice for people. However, we only wish selecting mini pebbles as the desired finish was the end of the story.
Instead, you need to then select a specific mini pebble finish of a certain texture and color among the rich profusion of potential options. This choice may become complex when the options are as closely related as Midnight Blue and the Tropics Blue are.
These two shades are some of the most popular shades and often times the most confusing as well, all thanks to the striking resemblance. However, there are some stark differences too, which may turn out to be your decision-maker. Although, we believe this to be a tough match.
Water Appearance
As Tropics Blue and Midnight Blue finish both come off with a tint of dark blue, it can be hard to appreciate the difference in appearance. However, there is one.
Midnight blue can also stray away from a solid dark blue and cater towards a dark blue/green shade, while still staying on a darker note. This shift, most of the time, depends on the surroundings of the finish, the light, and the depth of the pool. Additionally, you may find midnight blue to have a “richer” and darker color.

The Tropics blue, in contrast, maybe a bit fainter. The watercolor is, many times, the deciding factor for most people. Midnight Blue’s rich bluish tint can be a bane and a boon for it.
It is significantly harder to see through the depths of the pool if you have the above-mentioned finish, rather than the tropics blue. Many people chose to go with tropics blue solely because it allows for better vision, unlike its former, deeper-toned buddy.

All in all, both of these are significantly darker shades if blue, If you prefer a lighter tone, you will be better off choosing between either Aqua White or Aqua Blue for which you can read our comparison Aqua Blue Vs Aqua White.
Aesthetics and Looks
Talking about the overall pool aesthetics, Midnight Blue is mostly the heart conqueror among masses. However, we’d be lying if we say that Tropics Blue isn’t a close competitor.
With only slight variations, both shades are almost equally cherished. The Tropics Blue is articulated out of a magical blend comprising white, gold, and pure quartz aggregates with dark blue pigmented white Portland cement. It also contains a curious amalgamation of abalone shells and colored quartz highlights.
As the name indicates, Tropic Blue gives off the tropics vibes. It definitely has the looks to take you back to the Caribbean beaches. Have a look yourself!

StoneScapes Midnight Blue pool finish is curated out of white, gold, and black quartz pebble aggregates. Also, they contain a mixed-up concentration of colored quartz highlights with the most important ingredient of the recipe, midnight blue-tinted white Portland cement.

Both of these shades have colors and tints reflecting those of natural materials, and these materials add an ethereal natural attraction to each of the finishes as well. You’ll have to decide what works better for you but I prefer the deeper, more punchy shade of Midnight Blue.
Feel to the Touch
StoneScapes mini pebbles are generally designed to accommodate a smoother feel to them. Therefore, they can only add to your experience.
Between the Tropics Blue and the Midnight Blue, normally, the latter has a better hand at this aspect although this is a very generalized statement. This potential superiority is simply because of the crushed shells.
Although the same feature exists in Midnight Blue as well, the smoothness it delivers in Tropics Blue isn’t the same because of the higher quantity of crushed sheels used to achieve the lighter color.
Pricing and Cost
Generally speaking, Mini Pebble finishes have a slightly higher cost than other finishes. Also, the price you are assigned will solely depend upon the size of the pool and your location, together with the cost of labor in that area.
As an estimate, you might have to pay up between $3,000 to $6,000. However, this cost is entirely a vivid approximation and can also range up to $10,000.
Check out the price of blended plaster for Tropics Blue and blended plaster for Midnight Blue on Amazon for an even more accurate estimate of the cost of the materials.
Durability and Maintenance
Both of these are two of the most famous finishes from StoneScapes, while being almost equally durable. And as compared to the traditional pool surface, these finishes are highly resilient.
Both of them have been manufactured with premium quality materials, mostly derived from nature and having the strength to go with it too. Pebble finishes have, unlike other finishes, the ability to last for a long time, while maintaining their magnificence.
They might be able to last you a good 15 to 20 years, while resisting staining, wear, and etching subjected to the pool. As a plus, Tropics Blue has crushed shells lining up inside. This addition makes the sparkle of the pebble finish even more highlighted.
The same does not, however, apply for Midnight Blue. Therefore, they may lack the active luster which Tropics Blue delivers. Both of these finishes have been manufactured by an aesthetic yet strong and durable blend of materials so you are probably better off not thinking about the durability side of things.
Conclusion- Which is Better?
Tropics blue and midnight are two of the most popular colors you’ll find in the heaven of finishes offered by Stonescapes. Both of them can deliver the signature smoothness to your pool while adding to the years that you no longer would be needing to worry about your pool finishes.
Therefore, most of the time, the dilemma narrows down to aesthetics and sometimes even “temperature”. Personally, I prefer the Midnight Blue finish simply because I like punchy shades of pretty much everything. You are welcome to choose otherwise.
Temperature-wise, however, there are no major differences, despite what many people have been led to believe. With Midnight blue, the darker you set the tone to be, the harder it is to see the bottom.
This is rarely the case with Tropics Blue, where the foot of the pool is always clear through the light water. However, one cannot possibly argue with the ethereal vibes that come with Midnight Blue. Many people opt for Midnight Blue solely because it has a rather enchanting feel to it and I definitely agree with it!
Another noteworthy competitor to the Tropics Blue, which you might also want to consider, is the Tahoe Blue. We delve into every little detail for the comparison in the article: Tropics Blue vs. Tahoe Blue.
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