Bromine tablets have several merits over other chemicals when it comes to being used as sanitizers in hot tubs. These include but are not limited to being more stable, better sanitization, and lesser irritation to skin and eyes.
Nonetheless, these do not come without a few challenges. Bromine tablets not dissolving in water is a frequently encountered complaint. This can lead to compromised sanitization and a waste of the money spent on these.
So, if you are having a hard time making the bromine tablets dissolve, here are a few probable causes and their easy fixes.
Large Size Of The Bromine Tablets
This is one basic rule of science: the larger the size of a substance is, the longer it takes to dissolve due to the smaller surface area-to-volume ratio. Bromine tablets also come in various sizes, some larger than 1.5 or 2 inches.
Larger tablets take a longer time to dissolve and might just sit at the bottom of your hot tub for weeks. This problem can be easily fixed by crushing these tablets and then putting them in the hot tub. This will greatly accelerate the rate at which the bromine dissolves. Alternatively, you can use smaller sized tablets.

Not Using A Bromine Floater
Most bromine tablets are designed to be used in a bromine floater and might not dissolve adequately without it. Floaters are dispensers that hold the bromine tablets and are released into the hot tub. These have settings that allow the bromine tablets to be dissolved at an appropriate rate and help maintain the bromine in the hot tub at a desirable level.
Here is an excellent example of a bromine floater that can fix this issue for you:
Total Hardness Or pH Too High
Altered water chemical balance is virtually the most frequent cause of bromine tablets not dissolving in a hot tub. This is particularly true if the total hardness and pH of the water are too high. The hardness of the water must be maintained between 50 and 150 ppm for the bromine tablets to dissolve adequately.
A hardness level of above 400 ppm is way too high and can hinder the bromine from dissolving at all. The total hardness of the hot tub water can be lowered by draining and adding fresh water or by using a flocculant.
A raised pH level of the water can also affect the rate of dissolution of the bromine tablets. It should ideally be maintained at around 7.2. A raised pH can be lowered with the help of acids, such as muriatic acid, in order to achieve the desirable results.
Floater Slits Are Occluded
This is another common cause of bromine tablets not dissolving in the water. Floaters that are used to carry bromine tablets in the water have tiny slits that allow the water and bromine to come into contact, resulting in the tablets being dissolved and bromine being carried into the water. With prolonged use or lack of maintenance, these slits can become occluded by chemical deposits or debris, thus hindering the tablets from being dissolved.
To resolve this issue, hold the top of the floater in one hand and the bottom in the other hand, and twist it. This should expose the slits. Clear out the slits to ensure maximum exposure and release of the bromine.
Poor Quality Tablets
If you have checked all other external factors and the bromine tablets are still not dissolving in the hot tub, the problem is likely with the tablets themselves. The market is flooded with a huge variety of bromine tablets of various brands. It is not surprising that some of these are of poor quality and have substandard chemicals, which adversely affect their properties, including the rate of dissolution.
It is highly recommended that you use bromine tablets that are of top-notch quality, not only to enhance the rate of dissolving but also to protect your hot tub from chemical damage.
Here is a superb bromine tablet option that I have hand-picked for you:
These BioGuard tablets undergo chemical reactions at an appropriate speed and help in sanitizing the hot tub without causing any nuisances.
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